Monday, March 9, 2009

Avon Anew Clinical Derma-Full X3 Facial Filling Serum

Avon Anew Clinical Derma Full Facial Filling Serum

Fullness Perfected, Not Injected

A skin care breakthrough! Injectable-grade hyaluronic acid, the same proven facial-filling ingredient injected by dermatologist is now available in an at-home topical serum.

Get The Facts About Hyaluronic Acid

What is it?

Naturally produced by skin, hyaluronic acid provides moisture and fullnes from within-but production decreases with age.

Why Injectable Grade?

It is the same high quality, powerful hyaluronic acidf pure enough for dermatologists to use for facial filling injections.

How Does Anew Use It?

Anew has harnessed the power of injectable grade hyaluronic acid to stimulate filling fibers to help restore youthful fullness and fill in deep folds.

My Customers Review on Anew Clinical Derma-Full X3 Facial Filling Serum

Although this product does not debut until Campaign 7, I was able to demo 2 bottles to preffered customers. After just one week of use I recieved a call from my first customer. She absolutly loved the Anew Derma-Full Serum! She said her face held more moisture, and she could feel her face tighten. My second customer called me two days later with almost the exact same review. They both loved the Derm-Full!


Anonymous said...

Did any of the marketing people think about this product and its similarity to the Resident Evil Movie's T-Virus serum?
...guess not.

Unknown said...

Are you in need of an active Avon Independent Representative? Come shop Avon Anew Clinical with me.